What indeed? I almost appears that someone plans on distributing some sort of merchandise from this thing. I'll take better pics tomorrow. I just happened to see this on the way home and snapped a couple photos.
Hee hee just kidding. I was excited to see this thing. I can't believe that we're seeing these again. Soon I will be tallying up my left over fireworks, AGAIN.
We also went through my dad's favorite state park on Monday.
At this sign my dad stopped because he had received a phone call. Well, people like to take photos at signs like this. So while he was on the phone I decided to help this group of people, a man and two ladies, and get pictures of them on their cameras since the guy was taking pictures, I asked him if I could take pictures so that he could get in with his friends. Well... as always, sometimes I feel like a real bad luck charm, I mean really! He unstraps one camera from his wrist, then from the other wrist he unstraps another camera and then he hands me a blackberry phone with a hot pink cover on it, and then, finally liberated, he dashes over there with his friends. They all give me big cheesy grins and I lift up the first camera. MEMORY CARD IS FULL a message reads across the screen, and then as I try to press the button it flashes at me MEMORY CARD IS FULL! Hmm, Uhhh this one says MEMORY CARD IS FULL, I say. Oh, uhh, that's ok, just take one with the other camera. Ok! I think to myself. As I raise the other camera to look at the screen and that one has lots of colorful lines through the screen but something's definitely wrong. Uhhhhhhh, now there's something wrong with the screen on this one. After that they decided to leave and come back with more memory cards or something. My guess is that the lady didn't want my charms to do something to her phone.
It was really nice to have a day with my dad. We spent ALL day together. We haven't done that in a long time. I am grateful for that, and I will remember it probably for the rest of my life. We also saw this! The video will tell you what it is. \/ \/ \/(click to see)
This thing stopped traffic for quite a ways back. People were hopping out of their vehicles to photograph it with lenses that were close to 2 feet long. People were running across the road darting trough traffic.
There were also a few other places where people did stupid stuff too. It was fun though.

Dillon had it's annual Expo trade show and that always brings people out to town. I went and perused through everything real quickly. I stopped at the Wells Fargo booth where my mom works and said hi. Everybody there wanted me to enter to win a bag so I did just for the fun of it. I only entered at 2 booths and won at one. Pretty good odds there! I won this really cool bag!

Guess what else is happening! The lilacs are popping. Beautiful, and fragrant. Thank God for them.
The BSBC is in two (2) weeks! Or as I like to joke, It will be over in three weeks! It is a joke, so don't take it seriously. there was a work day yesterday and I guess they got a lot done. I would have loved to be there but I had to work. Pray for it, it's almost here!
This blog entry has taken me three days to complete, I hope it's worth it. Also, you like the face lift on my blog?
Scripture to ponder:
Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.