Hey guys. I kept expecting people to get on my case for not updating my blog, but no one did. I guess nobody really cares... Just kidding. Here's some pics from the last couple of months. It's been really fun lately!
This is Brittany after her 1950's hairdo was taken out.
My Great-grandma also had her 100th birthday on May 10th. I also had my 14th second birthday on that day!
This is our take on the famous Lewis and Clark expedition silhouette.
This and the previous photo were taken on a Tuesday. We usually play softball on Tuesdays. This particular Tuesday there was a constant drizzle of rain, in which we played softball, and then we just played in general. We were soaked. Also, I might suggest from experience, that if you are going to try a handspring, you should know how to land one too... just a suggestion.
And these last three photos are from yesterday's Memorial day picnic at Barrett's Station. We played a lot of things, starting with capture the flag. We then moved on to ultimate frisbee, but then after breaking 2 frisbees (yes... we broke two(2) of them!) we decided to play ultimate football(?). Bill called it Flicker ball though.
Thank you to all of the service men and women that have served and continue to serve this great country. Our appreciation will never be properly shown, and we can never give you enough gratification for all that you do, and have done for us. Thank You!
Through all this God has really been good. We have had a blast and he continues to work in my life. He keeps speaking to me in church and he's drawing me nearer and nearer. I am thankful for his mercies and love. I am very thankful for his long suffering. No one could ever be like my God, and for that I am thankful. He has Given me some GREAT friends, a GREAT church and a GREAT family. I feel that he's forming me to go a certain way for him and I just need to yield to him. Please pray for me that I can listen to his guidance and that I will see the path that he has laid before me, and that I will do what he wants.
Welcome back Brandon.