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Dillon, Montana, United States
Chances are I will try to make you laugh. And even if you don't laugh I will try to keep some levity. I am a born again christian. And I owe everything to my God and saviour Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Determination or purpose.

I am heavy with several friends and comrades falling to the rush decision to get into a relationship or get married and last night I finally had enough when I recieved some bad news. Some of you might read this or I should say two of you(and you know who you are[and I'm praying for you btw]) and possibly think that it's directed at you, well it's not. I just want to show other kids my age and younger that you can do it the right way and that whenever/if ever I get married that I did it the right way. So here's my determination.

I am determined that should God have me get married that I will do all things in the process correctly. I will not be secretive and go behind people's back, especially my parents. I will not be a back stabber. I will not disrespect my parents', my close (and godly) friends', or my pastor's advice. I will not shun other friends in favor of spending all my time with whoever she is. I will make God the center of our relationship and only move at his impulse remembering that this vile flesh in which I live cannot be trusted. I will not get too attached before I know that she is or is not the one. I will let the Bible be the deciding factor im my marriage to her. I will marry for God's glory and his alone.


  1. Thanks Brandon! By God's grace that is how it should be done.
    Purity and openness are going to bring more joy than trying to hide your actions. Of course, it will bring more joy because that is God's will!
    Thanks for posting that.

  2. Amen, amen and amen. Well said. More young people need to determine to do the same. It is sad to see friends self-destruct.

    Thanks for the refresher Brandon. I agree with everything you said, and it is good to have it refreshed in my mind every now and again.


  3. Well, I feel like a need to throw in my two cents, and I realize I might open up a can of worms; but I really hope you will at least open up your ears.
    First of all, I support your statement whole heartedly. Keeping open with your parents and friends is a great piece of wisdom.
    I think there is a fine line between obeying/honoring your parents. Children are commanded to obey their parents, adults are commanded to honor. You should take your parents advice very seriously, BUT if it comes between choosing your parent's or God (and sometimes this choice is put before you); you should go with God. Also, there is the concept of leaving and cleaving. Sometimes (and it is extremely unfortunate), one is forced to choose between their parent's and the man God has called them to marry. (For instance, if your parent's were Muslims and you wanted to marry a Christian).
    I think once two young Christians decide to get married, they need good godly support from friends then more than ever to build a strong marriage and family.
    Most importantly, don't ever take for granted God's grace on your life! (not a ticket to get involved with stupid relationships though)
